Let us help you take your home or business to the next level with reupholstery and other custom home furnishings!
Consultations are by appointments only. Please call or email to make an appointment.
804-716-9652 I info@unsprungupholstery.com
We look forward to working with you!
We are proud to be a part of the thriving small business community in the Richmond, Virginia Metro Area. Here is a shout out to some of the businesses we support, know and love.
Barksley Dog Walking and Pet Sitting - www.barksleyrva.com
Twig Boutique - www.twigrva.com
DagNABit designs - www.dagnabit.fun
Eat 33 - www.eat33.net
The Cane Connection - www.thecaneconnection.com
Grey Elm interiors - www.greyelm.com
Quilting Adventures - QuiltingAdventures.com
Top Stitch Mending - TopStitchRVA.com
​Jack's Sacks- Handmade Trail Bike Accessories - jacksbikesacks.com